Best Writing Residencies in 2024 for Emerging Writers
Need an escape to finish your writing projects? Then browse through our list of 2024 writing residences to find the best match for you.
ReadNeed an escape to finish your writing projects? Then browse through our list of 2024 writing residences to find the best match for you.
ReadReader magnets are all about convincing current and potential readers to become loyal followers of your author career. To that end, there are so many ideas to try that could attract more readers that you can try, all of which we’ve discussed in this article.
ReadPut your creative abilities to the test in a writing contest from our list in 2024. You'll find contests for all ages, countries, and genres, with more than 200 contests in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
ReadFinding a literary agent can be your key to getting traditionally published, but it can be a long journey to get there. However, the information we share throughout this article can make the process much easier for you.
ReadLooking to visit a book fair in 2024? Check out Kotobee’s expansive list and get ready to indulge in your new favorite titles.
ReadNeed to get away from daily life and get some writing done? Check out this list of 2024 writing retreats from all over the world.
ReadIf you want to start an online bookstore but don’t have the know-how, then you have come to the right place! In this article, we’ll guide you through the whole step-by-step process and show you the exact tools you need.
ReadWhat can you do to make sure that your ebook is accessible to nearly everyone? How can you optimize your ebook accessibility? These are questions we have been researching for a while now, all of which we will answer in this article.
ReadTranslating a book is a complex but rewarding process. It can help you open new literary markets, forge new connections, and broaden the reach of your work, making it a success among a global audience. So use the strategies mentioned in this article to translate your book and watch it resonate with readers from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
ReadYour creativity and writing skills brought your book to life, but it's your meticulous planning and strategic effort that will introduce it to readers everywhere. That's why you need an elaborate launch plan to ensure your book's success.