Browse Category: Elearning

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Ebooks have created new opportunities for education and elearning. They have also given students and teachers new creative ways to interact. Our blog explores the numerous ways that ebooks are altering the educational landscape and provides professional guidance on how to take advantage of this technology to improve teaching and learning.

Blended Teaching: Models, Benefits, Tools, and More!

Most classrooms now encompass a unique blend of traditional face-to-face instruction and technology-based teaching–and this is known as blended teaching. This innovative approach to education is providing students with a dynamic and flexible learning experience. So let's explore everything about blended teaching, its types, benefits, tools, and much more.


Online Training for Employees: Top Benefits, Methods, and Tools

While the importance of workplace training might seem obvious, many employers fail to provide it properly. They may not understand how critical it is, or aren’t sure how to implement it. So, here are some of the top methods, tools, and benefits of elearning for employees that every business owner needs to be aware of.


10 Ways to Improve Hybrid Learning in the Classroom

According to, 68% of students prefer having a combination of in-person and remote classes. This shows how important it is for educators to know everything about this learning environment and how to navigate it. And that’s what we are going to explore in this article. 


What Is Virtual Learning and How to Benefit from It?

Simply put, virtual learning is the process of using technology to deliver educational material. It takes different forms and shapes, and relies heavily on modern e-learning tools that keep the learner engaged. In this kind of learning, the communication between the learners and their instructor is done through video conferences, forums, and instant messages.


LXP vs LMS: What’s the Best Learning Platform for You? 

There are many ways in which LXPs differ from LMSs. Whether it’s the learning strategy, the focus, or the hosting system, we can say that the LXP is designed for a more interactive type of learning than the LMS. So let’s look at the main points where these two platforms part.
