Browse Category: Digital Publishing

digital publishing blog

With the overwhelming amount of information available online, it can be difficult to figure out the more technical aspects of digital publishing. We tackle that problem by offering advice on every part of the process, whether it’s designing the interior of your ebook, hosting it online, or choosing the best self-publishing platform.

Book Royalties: What They Are and How to Earn the Best Rates

Whether you choose self-publishing or you want a traditional book deal, one of the most important things to understand in this process is book royalties and how they work. This will affect your decision regarding which publishing method to choose, as well as the format of the book you want to publish.


How to Publish a Book for Free and Maximize Your Profit

Free self-publishing is no longer a myth. Knowing how to utilize the various free tools available today can save you a lot of money and help you reach a wide audience along the way. So start preparing and perfecting your book for publishing, and get ready to maximize your profit with Kotobee Books!


Top 10 AI Content Creation Tools in 2024

Embracing automated content generation doesn't mean giving up our skills, but rather using AI to improve and streamline our processes. By combining the creativity of humans with the power of AI, we unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation. 


The Truth About Hybrid Publishing in 2024

Authors have always thought that in order to get their books to the light, they either have to go for traditional publishing or self-publishing. But thankfully, there is a third alternative that combines the best of both worlds, and that is hybrid publishing.

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